Happy Healthy International

Happy and Healthy in Harmony Together

Unlocking Lasting Joy: The Power of Gratitude in Daily Life

Sally Kauffman

Nurse to Laughter Healer: A Journey of Joy

From nurse to laughter healer, my life took a transformative turn. At 10, a hospital stay due to a bruised kidney left me sad and scared. Yet, watching nurses uplift young patients showed me the value of spreading happiness.

Retiring from nursing, I embraced laughter wellness. Certified as a laughter leader and "happy for no reason" trainer, I realized that healing extended beyond medicine. Laughter became my tool to connect and heal. This journey brought me full circle, turning my hospital memories into a mission of joy.

Once a nurse, I cared for bodies; now I heal souls through laughter and joy.


Happy Healthy International

Sandra Greene,

CLU Financial Coach

I recently attended a workshop presented by Sally Kauffman titled the "Joy of Laughter". I learned ways to generate laughter without outside stimulus and experienced the joy of infectious laughter. We learned breath techniques and how to stimulate the brain through finger motion. Thanks to this workshop I learned that when small mishaps happen I can choose to laugh and move on! We need to laugh more and try find the funny in situations. I highly recommend her insites and teaching for anyone looking to live a little lighter.

Susan Lamar

Thank you very much Sally for all of the research, training, and experience that enabled you to present at our CH in-service on "The Joy and Wellness of Laughter". We all have Covid fatigue, you helped us to utilize laughter to start healing ourselves.

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